Current works

Göd, Samsung SDI
Construction of a 1,550-space parking lot, additional roads, construction of utilities, construction of a rainwater reservoir

Construction of parking space

SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft.
Preparatory works for the extension of the Logistics Centre on the property 0326/1, Bicske

Komárom, Kőolaj u. reinforced concrete construction works

MOL  Nyrt.

Construction of a new road connection to the Almásfüzitő site of MOL Plc. on the main national road No. 1
Construction of a new truck parking lot, construction and renovation of internal roads, reconstruction of the existing parking lot at the Almásfüzitő site of MOL Nyrt.


Samsung Engineering Magyarország Kft
Göd, Backfilling, paving and other works

DOOSAN Földszállítás, I-II. parts
Környe, 0300/6, landscaping, construction of a temporary road, sewage and water drainage, road construction, foundation works

Ságvár és Som Község Önkormányzata
TOP-3.1.1-15-SO1-2016-00003 Sustainable transport development of Ságvár and Som village – construction of a cycle path

Várgesztes Község Önkormányzata
Improvement of stormwater drainage in Várgesztes


Municipality of the City of Tatabánya
Settlement of the area in front of Réti utca 99-111., Tatabánya
Tatabánya, restoration of the pavement next to Erdész u. 9
Tatabánya, lowering of the pavement next to Vadász u. 33.
Lakógép Kft
Pannonia Bio Zrt (Dunaföldvár) road works related to the extension of the plant
Környe, Üveggyár u. 2.-LOTTE III. loading yard and access roads on site utility construction works
Construction of LOTTE III loading yard and access roads
Municipality of Kisigmánd
Kisigmánd, Petőfi Sándor street, renovation of gate openings and drainage system
Samsung Engineering Magyarország Kft
Göd, heavy soilwork
Épduferr Zrt
Tata, Május 1 út 1367/1 and 1367/3, construction of an Interspar store:
– Construction works of transport connections
– construction of roads and utilities for the store
Construction of a cycle link between Lendvadedes-Dedeskecskés – Dolga Vas (Lendvahosszú village)


Göd, Ipartelep Temporary fence construction
SPAR Hungary Trade Ltd.
Tata, Május 1 -new road bordering the area of Interspar store.
Güntner- Tata Kft.
Packing hall foundation and industrial floor
Municipality of Baj
Baj, Construction of suburban road
Környe Municipality
Környe, Industrial Park Construction of a bus stop for a glass factory
Municipality of Szekszárd City of County Rights
Maintenance and reconstruction works of public utility systems, structures and roads in the administrative area of Szekszárd
Municipality of Szomód
Renovation of the pavement on the odd side of Szomód, Fő utca and the connecting pavement sections in the central part of the municipality.
Kvazár Ltd.
Halásztelek, construction of a warehouse
Municipality of the town of Siófok
Contractor’s contract for road and sidewalk reconstruction of Siófok Báthory fejedelem utca, reconstruction and construction of sidewalk and construction of sidewalk in Zöldmező utca, part 1-4


Hódút Kft
Construction of road reconstruction works in Tatabánya
Organás road reconstruction
Samsung Zrt
Göd, road and utility construction, temporary road construction, external works
Samsung Engineering Hungary Kft.
Göd, Temporary road and sewer construction
Municipality of the town of Bük.
Bükfürdő stormwater drainage network reconstruction works II.
Güntner-Tata Kft
Supporting works
Lakógép Kft
Komárom, Industrial Park JAEWON – heavy soilworks, mirror construction, foundations, backfilling, complete external utility construction ( drinking water, storm water, sewage), road construction, curbstone installation and paving.
Dunaföldvár, Pannonia Ethanol Zrt plant, heavy soilworks, utility replacement, construction of car park, construction of new plant road, tap water drainage.
Municipality of Szomód
Improvement of storm water drainage in Szomód municipality
Municipality of Komárom
Komárom, Újszállási road resurfacing
Renovation of the gates and pavements of Ady E. and Dózsa Gy. streets
Güntner-Tata Kft.
extension of production hall
Housing machine Ltd.
Lotte Advanced Materials Hungary Kft. construction of a new production hall – Környe Industrial Park
Útéppark Kft
Etyek-Bicske-Tarján linking bicycle path construction
Almásfüzitő Község Önormányzata
Almásfüzitő, renovation of the main gate in the public cemetery and construction of a concrete fence
Municipality of Komárom
Erkel F. utca road and pavement reconstruction, Temlom köz road and pavement paving and drainage
Munkácsy M. u. and the reconstruction of the road
Komárom, Kossuth utca pavement reconstruction
Municipality of the town of Siófok
Road reconstruction works
Extreme-Park Ltd.
Tatabánya, Március 15. út reconstruction
Municipality of Vértessomló
Renovation of 3 streets
Municipality of Tata
Construction of a glass bus shelter – passenger waiting booth planned for Kossuth Square, Tata
Bábolna National Stud Farm
Dióspuszta, road construction works
Környe Municipality of Környe
Rózsa utca III. phase and Rákóczi utca renovation
Pavement construction between Rózsa utca and Beloiannis utca
Municipality of the City of Tatabánya with County Rights
“Development of a thematic cycling trail “Mining Monuments” in connection with the “Good Luck” commemoration year”
Tatabánya, private road and pavement construction with municipal participation
Penta Ltd.
“Construction of the external and internal fences of the MH 25 Klapka györgy Rifle Brigade object in Tata, as well as road construction and supporting structure works related to the fence
Municipality of Vértessomló
Vértessomló, Zrínyi Miklós utca, Ady Endre utca 14-28., Sport square pavement renovation
Municipality of Szekszárd Megyei Jogú Város
Maintenance and reconstruction works of utility systems, structures and external roads in the administrative area of Szekszárd


Municipality of Törökbálint
Törökbálint, Munkácsy utca, middle section
Törökbálint, Szent István utca – Baross Gábor utca (Harangláb) junction conversion into a roundabout
IMV Ltd.
New electrical equipment workshop and office (“A” building) and new warehouse and office (“B” building)
Tatabánya, Baross G. road pavement renovation
Tatabánya, Kazinczy út, renovation of pavement
Tatabánya, renovation of the pavement between Réti u. 52-54.
Tatabánya, Sárberki ltp. 104-105. szárbarkiberk, works related to the drainage of the public area behind the condominium building
Hungarian Public Road Nonprofit Zrt
Esztergom and Kisbér branch asphalt road surfaces and pavement renovation works
SÁG Építő Zrt
Monsanto Nagyigmánd, asphalt embankment renovation works
Güntner-Tata Ltd.
Güntner-Tata Ltd finished goods area extension building) external road and parking and external works construction
Municipality of Komárom
Construction of road and stormwater drainage in Komárom, Madách Imre Street
Rutin Ltd.
Abroncs Kft – Baj, construction works of hall VIII
Martonvásár City Municipality
Martonvásár 274/1 Sporttelep street, construction of parking lots connected to the 274/2 Sporttelep street
Tatabánya City Municipality
Tatabánya, Béla király krt. 10-12. nos.
Tatabánya, Almafa street, reconstruction of pavement